Occupational dermatology in Frankfurt: BK 5101 & BK 5103
The field of occupational dermatology deals with skin diseases that are associated with occupational activities or are exacerbated by occupational stress. These are mainly eczema, actinic keratoses (field carcinoma) and squamous cell carcinoma (white skin cancer). In our practice, we specialize in occupational dermatology.
We not only carry out examinations, but also advise on preventive measures and carry out appropriate treatments. In the event of suspected work-related skin diseases, we report these to the relevant employers’ liability insurance association or accident insurance fund as part of the dermatologist procedure. This enables us to ensure the best possible prevention and avoid actual occupational illness. The accident insurance fund covers the costs of treatment and reintegration in the event of actual occupational illness. If certain conditions are met, a supplementary pension is also possible.
Regardless of the accident insurance company’s assessment, those affected already receive medical assistance. The aim is to give patients the opportunity to continue practicing their profession. Measures can range from outpatient treatment, skin protection seminars and company counseling to three weeks of inpatient treatment. Those affected continue to receive intensive medical care even after taking leave from work.
For you, this means that as a patient with statutory health insurance, you can be treated by us at the expense of the employers’ liability insurance association. Even if a work-related illness is suspected, the costs of initiating the dermatologist procedure and thus the initial examination and consultation are covered by the employers’ liability insurance association.

What dermatological occupational diseases
are there?
BK 5101: Eczema, dermatitis, urticaria and psoriasis
This particularly affects manual professions such as care workers, hairdressers, cleaners, construction workers, car mechanics, metal workers and others where the skin comes into direct contact with various solutions or solvents.
The symptoms often occur in people who work in damp environments or frequently clean their hands. Chemical substances can also trigger allergies and inflammation. Individual factors such as animal hair, natural latex, flours, various types of wood as well as heat and cold can cause allergic reactions.
BK 5103: Skin cancer and precursors (actinic keratoses; field carcinogenesis)
Risk groups are mainly professions that are exposed to UV light for long periods, such as those working in landscaping and horticulture, roofers, construction workers and people who work in countries with high levels of UV radiation.
Light-colored skin cancer in particular occurs more frequently in the occupational groups mentioned. Multiple actinic keratoses, which are a precursor to light skin cancer, may initially appear on sun-exposed areas. Early treatment is crucial to prevent the development of squamous cell carcinoma. Skin screening by a dermatologist plays an important role here.
We are particularly concerned with the prevention of such skin diseases and their treatment.

Good to know: The employer does not find out about the dermatologist procedure
The aim of the dermatologist procedure is to offer optimum prevention and to prevent incipient skin diseases that are attributable to the occupation from becoming occupational diseases. The decision lies with the respective accident insurers.
We advise and treat you comprehensively within the scope of occupational dermatology. We carry out comprehensive examinations and prepare reports for the employers’ liability insurance association (BG procedure).
We look forward to your visit!