NEW: Molecular diagnostics of allergies and food intolerances in the blood. Learn more here NEW: Molecular diagnostics of allergies and food intolerances in the blood. Learn more here NEW: Molecular diagnostics of allergies and food intolerances in the blood. Learn more here NEW: Molecular diagnostics of allergies and food intolerances in the blood. Learn more here
NEW: Molecular diagnostics of allergies and food intolerances in the blood. Learn more here


YOUR dermatologist
Dr. med. (SR) Aleksander Markovic

Specialist in dermatology and emergency medicine

Dr. med. Christian Willig

Specialist in dermatology

Nadja Enan - Medical assistant and cosmetics

Zsanett Ladi -
Aesthetics & Podiatry

Susanne Schellen - Practice management

Mladen Markovic - Practice management

Maleen Wagner - Accounting and back office